Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just Gave It a Go

I just finished playing Space War with myself. I tried to control both ships simultaneously, which did not work out very well strategically but demonstrated to me that everything works successfully! The initial controls are strange though. I had to press 'f' to get the control screen to pop up, and a 'g' to start the game. I could not figure out how to select "Retro" or "Modern" on my machine via keyboard, and based on what I played, it looks like it defaults to "Retro". When I start working on this, I'll use XBOX controllers to make my life easier, but beyond that, it looks great!

I finished the programming assignment shortly after writing my post, but as I just mapped the depot into a new workspace for this class, I submitted it tonight. Looks like everything is done, and I am ready to continue with learning about networking games! Sounds like fun, can't wait! In the meantime, I am off to work on my Engine 2 + Independent Study -- converting an FBX to binary and integrating this into my code to read in the model data and use the model. Wish me luck because I sure will need it!

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