Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Continuation of Queuing it up

I worked a lot on converting the game to a queued format today. Looking back on last night's code, I noticed that I had been passing some unnecessary data so I ended up cutting that out and cleaning it up. I then added another event for creating the player ships and began to work on an event for when an asteroid collides with a ship. I might have mentioned this before but the most challenging thing in this assignment is not the coding-- instead, it is getting through the convoluted aspects of the design and knowing what and when to abstract. Any who, I don't have much time to blog about what I did now because I am working on my independent study project. Ever since I got to working on this, I have become a little obsessed with the assignment since I have a tendency to really immerse myself in a code project. Now, I need to shift gears and work on other things, especially since I have the luxury and challenge of no hard deadlines. Off to code away the night then!

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